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Art Direction

Start Date: April 20, 2024

From 09:00 to 17:00


357 Wilson St E, Ancaster, Room 213 - Ancaster Memorial Arts Centre, Ancaster


Limited to Twelve participants, this weekend workshop features live instruction, with collaborative group assignments and presentations, mentoring and special guest designers from film and theatre.

Students should have access to a laptop or tablet for visual research purposes.Successful completion of this course will enable the student to:
Analyze script content and break down a script for a shooting schedule
Understand the roles of the Art Department and the key collaborative structures
Explore concept design and create mood boards
Learn research and presentation skills
Practice time management, budgeting and planning skills

The workshop fee includes a sketchbook, watercolour paint and watercolour paper. Prior to the workshop, students will be emailed two script options and will be asked to read their script of choice.

Interior Designer Laura Keightley works as a Production Designer and Set Decorator in the art departments of Television and Film. Her knowledge of studio construction builds combined with her experience in delivering state of the art, trend setting, character driven movie sets has shaped Laura’s skills in creating unique and distinctive treatments for each project and client.
You’ll find Laura’s credits as a Production Designer on TV shows and films for Reel One Entertainment, Champlain Media, Neshama Entertainment and as an Art Director, Set Decorator and Decoration Buyer – for Networks ranging from Amazon Prime, Apple and CBS, to Lion’s Gate, Netflix and Sony Pictures.

Contact for more information

Email Address: info@hamiltonfilmfestival.com

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